[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내] 

연사 :  전중환 교수(경희대학교 후마니타스칼리지 (국제캠퍼스))

연제 : 인간 본성의 생물학적 이해

일시 : 2021년 04월 02일 (금) 오후 5시 

장소 : 온라인 화상 강의로 진행됩니다.

초청교수 : 윤봉준 교수

How could we investigate the form and function of human mind/brain? As much of the internal processing of the mind is hidden from conscious view, behavioral and social scientists face serious problems in elucidating why we are the way we are. Evolutionary biology offers potent solutions. Specifically, the conceptual tools of adaptive function and information-processing structure provide the means to identify the collection of evolved psychological mechanisms shaped by the evolution by natural selection over human evolutionary history. I discuss some common misunderstandings about human evolutionary psychology: 1) evolutionary psychology is empirically unfalsifiable, 2) evolutionary psychology justifies social evils as ‘natural’. I conclude that the evolutionary perspective not only unify scattered findings within a coherent explanation, but also provides a heuristic guide to unknown facts.