The website to reserve the gym/fitness center> Click the blank (next to the google logo) on top right corner > select 영어 (English)



The menu on the top is written in Korean

Inchon Memorial (인촌기념관)

Green Sports Facilities (녹지체육관)

Hwajeong Auxiliary Gym Stadium (화정체육관 보조경기장)

Hwajeong Gym Fitness Center (화정체육관 휘트니스 센터)

Hana Square Fitness Center (하나스퀘어 휘트니스 센터)

4.18 Memorial Gym (4.18 기념관 헬스장)



However, others are written in English.

*** If you have to send the application fee payment make sure to double check the account number. The Bank is nomraly Hana Bank (Not one bank)