생명과학대학 외국인 학부생 오리엔테이션 안내

Academic Orientation for International Students

of College of Life Sciences & Biotechnology (Undergrad)


March 12, 2015

2 pm - 3 pm

Room 105, East Building (CLSB)



새 학기를 맞이하여 생명과학대학 외국인 학부생들을 대상으로 학사 정보 안내를 위한 오리엔테이션을 아래와 같이 개최하고자 합니다.

2015학년도 신입생과 재학생 모두 참석 가능합니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다.

College of Life Sciences & Biotechnology want you to have smooth transition to university life and have planned this orientation to help you succeed at Korea University. We will introduce you to the academic services both at your department and throughout the university.

All international students of CLSB are welcomed to attend this orientation including freshman students.



Contact Us

Call 02-3290-4961 or e-mail ellenheo@korea.ac.kr with any questions you may have.